I published my first book!

It took 13 years! Yes 13 years in the making and finally I can say, Alhamdulillah, I have published my first book! (Well Amazon did).

I first started writing 'The Missing Headteacher' back in 2011. I had a hobby of writing stories from a young age. Whether it was at school, or at home on my notebook, I just enjoyed it. So I started writing a story, about 3 friends called Ayyub, Zakaria and Daniel who are on a mission to find out what happened to their school Headteacher, Mr. Arnold.

It took me so long, because I didn't really have an ambition to write the full story, and publishing it wasn't really in my mind. It was a bit of one and off. Sometimes I would write a sentence and then not look at it for months.

Many years ago, I had told Mufti Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf about my interest in writing stories. I was at an event where the famous Shaykh Ahmad Ali was a speaker. Whilst helping to serve food to the guests, Mufti Abdur Rahman told Shaykh Ahmad Ali that I like writing books. Shaykh Ahmad Ali made Du'a for me. I took that as an inspiration. 

About 2 years ago, I was telling my wife about the story. And she really encouraged me to work on it again. What's more, she offered to use her background knowledge in English language and literature to assist me too. So I began. Or continued shall I say.

It took a long time. I added things, then took it out, then added more and took more out. I spent hours, listening to nasheeds and lectures in the background whilst writing the story. 

I'm a massive Famous Five fan, a series written by Enid Blyton. It's a timeless series, though written back in 1940s. I took inspiration from, the adventures Julian and his siblings go on. And the mysteries they solve. I wanted to write a Muslim orientated mystery and adventure book. I wanted children to read good books and not some of the filth out there. 

So the book came together, piece by piece, character by character, scene by scene. One of the characters is based on a real person. Mr. Naeem Aslam, was my former Tutor and Science teacher from Stepney Green School in Tower Hamlets when I was in year 7. He inspired me from a very young age to become more religious. Alhamdulillah I have been able to be in contact with him in recent years. 

I set the book in an imaginary village called Woodhill Village, in England. The village has a Masjid, a school, farms, a fire station, a lighthouse and a castle. I like villages and the countryside. I like the fresh and greenery image. Living in a city, I feel clogged up with all the pollution, high rises and density. I wanted my story to take a reader out to the greenery. 

Many people have helped directly and indirectly with the book and for them I am very grateful. Please support me by making a purchase. 

