My Father in-Law (Rahimahullah)

On 16th May 2023 at 8:25pm, my father in-law passed away in Newham University Hospital, London. To Allah we belong and to Him we shall return.

He was, Hafiz Maulana Azd Uddin Numan Golmokaponi. He was the head Imam and Khateeb of Madina Masjid in the Isle of Dogs, London, for a good 30 years. His father was a well known scholar in Bangladesh, Mohiussunnah Hazrat Maulana Fakhruddin sab (Rahimahullah), founder of the 70+ years old Jamia Darus-Sunnah Madrasah in Golmokapon, Osmaninogor, Sylhet, Bangladesh. His father in-law was Shaykhul Hadith Maulana Hussain Ahmad Barakuti (Rahimahullah) who was a well-known scholar from Gulapgoinj, Sylhet, Bangladesh. 

He was a man of few words yet principled, independent, knowledgeable and wise. He liked his gadgets and sweets. He loved his grandchildren and would sneak sweets into their hands! 

He had great concern for the poor and needy and set up avenues to provide support, especially to those in Bangladesh. Despite old age, illnesses, being bed-bound etc. he was still active in ensuring funds were raised and distributed to the needy. 

People remarked how he had a sharp memory when it came to reciting Qur'an. He would lead Tarawih without making mistakes. I had the honour of praying Tarawih behind him. His Tajweed was on point and recitation clear. He had been leading tarawih for 30+ years and was an Imam at East London Mosque in the early 90s.

Thereafter he was appointed Imam at Madina Jame Mosque, in the Isle of Dogs. The only Masjid in the Docklands at the time, converted from a pub. Anyone I speak to who knew him, would often say how much he was dedicated to the Masjid. His students saw me at the Janazah and told me how they learnt Alif, Baa, Taa with him. 

Going even earlier, he was an Imam in Scunthorpe, UK, teaching students who've now gone on to become parents and grandparents! He went to Scunthorpe last year for a few days, his last trip outside of London. There he reunited with his students, their families and his relatives. 

In 2019 I had the urge to participate in the Khatmul Qur'an of that year's Ramadan. Despite being late at night, I went to his Masjid and joined in. Alhamdulillah and Qadrullah that was the last Tarawih he had led, as Covid-19 had hit soon after. He gave a nice talk before the Du'a, praising the young huffaz who led Tarawih with him. 

Me and my wife went for Hajj that year. He and my mother in-law came to our house around 5am in the morning to see us off. He gave us advice. Encouraged us to make Du'a. 

Alhamdulillah I got married to his youngest daughter. He did our Nikah, in the Masjid where he was Imam. We couldn't have asked for a better person to do it, Alhamdulillah. I learnt a lot about marriage from his actions, the way he would behave towards my mother in-law. He would tease her and she would tease him, despite their age. I saw how, being older in age compared to us young ones, it didn't stop a couple from loving and caring for each other.

He comes from a background and family of scholars and huffaz, and despite me not achieving either of these, he never belittled me. Once someone told him that his son in-law (me) isn't an Alim; he replied back saying, ''well he does dress like one!" I often wonder why he chose me to marry his daughter despite his own background. Alhamdulillah, even before marriage, I had often prayed behind him, little did I know I'd become his son in-law.  

He never interfered in our marriage. He had a beautiful bond with my wife. He called her by a lovable name and regularly spoke to her, even if it was late at night. 

His health started detoriating since being tested positive for Covid. That began multiple hospital visits and doctors appointments. Since around July 2022 he had been hospitalised for liver disease. Despite knowing his health wasn't good, he didn't seem unsettled. He never worried about dying. He was always praising and glorifying Allah. He had a habit of saying 'Fee Amanillah' to anyone who left his presence. The day before he passed away, he said this to me and my wife at least 5-6 times. I took strength in this knowing he prayed for us and that's the last words we heard from him.

We were called by the hospital to come and see him, as he wasn't doing well. They were not able to continue his treatment, but could only make him comfortable. As you can imagine, it was a tough time for the family, but I applaud him for raising children and having a wife who all had Tawakkul in Allah. It was by the qadr of Allah, that he would return to Allah within 24 hours of us being in the hospital. 

I was present when he breathed his last. Checking his pulse, looking for any sign of breathing, I was in a state of shock, yet realised he had gone. The doctors then came in and confirmed his death.

I had the honour of participating in the ghusl of my father in-law. It only hit me when I saw him laying in the funeral directors washing room. The brother washed him so beautifully, with so much dignity. I also went into his grave to lower him in with his son. I felt a sense of peace in the grave. I reflected about my own time to come there too. It was my first time in a grave SubhanAllah.

He was a good man. Despite being known to him for 5 years (he passed away in May, the same month I got married in 2018), I thank Allah and praise Him for allowing me to be part of this great man's family. We have a bond through marriage and inshaAllah it'll be a reason for our familiarity in the hereafter, in Jannatul Firdaus by Allah's Mercy.

May the Fadl & Mercy of Allah Ta'ala descend upon him.

May Allah Ta'ala forgive his sins, elevate his status, grant him Jannah al-Firdous, make his grave a garden from the Gardens of Paradise and may Allah Ta'ala be eternally pleased with him.

May Allah Ta'ala grant the family patience & allow us all to take this as a lesson & remember our death as we may be next.
