5 Lessons from Umrah

The following are 5 lessons I had compiled from my Umrah trip in January 2023. This is very personal to me and you may have a different set of list:

1. Allah

Our lives are nothing without Allah. We get so caught up in worldly activities, busy lives etc. We need to always remember Allah. Submit to Him. We got everything to gain in submitting to Him. 

2.Rasulullah Sallallahu Alyhiwasallam

We visit Madina only because of Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alyhiwasallam. Our lives wouldn't be anything without him. His love, his character, his mercy, his interaction on a human level.

Learn about him and live according to his Sunnah. Moments spent in his presence makes it extra special this way.

3. Dua

Throughout our journey one thing we often repeated is 'make Dua'. For the smallest to biggest needs. Allah answers in mysterious ways. 

We saw Duas manifesting in front of our eyes. Dua is something you can do anytime and anywhere. 

4. Brotherhood

I went Umrah with a bunch of brothers from different school of thought. Sometimes we make differences of opinions and barrier between us, however this trip in particular taught me otherwise. I've seen amazing things from brothers who follow opinions different to me. We've bonded and spent time in being servants of Allah. 

Alhamdulillah for such brothers in our pathway. I've learnt a lot from them and hold them dear to my heart.

5. Charity 

This trip was arranged by Global Relief Trust GRT. Alhamdulillah we should be grateful for the concept of charity. When we give, we really benefit ourselves more than the recipients. 
