Umrah Moments: January 2023


Alhamdulillah, by Allah's Mercy, I got to perform Umrah and visit Madina in January 2023. This was part of Global Relief Trust's Makkah Challenge 3.0. Read about my mountain climb here

I performed Umrah with some of the most amazing brothers.


Myself, Omar and Abdul Hayy decided to go to Jannatul Baqi, the graveyard of Madina that Rasulullah Sallallahu Alyhiwasallam visited often.

By the time we were able to go, it was passed Maghrib. This was my first time going to Baqi at night, although I've been to a graveyard at night previously. 

We followed a Janazah in, there were two bodies being buried. As it was night, there were lamps used to help see the burial. 

Despite there being a dozen other people, it was somewhat quiet. You can hear the shovels, sniffling of the deceased's relatives and zikr of Allah. 

It was a different type of experience and it only reminded me of my time in the grave. May Allah grant us a good ending and peace in our grave, Aameen. 


My cousin brother, son of my maternal aunt, was visiting Makkah too at the same time as me. I hadn't seen him since 2011 when I went to Bangladesh. Though a short meeting, nevertheless it was a wonderful reunion. 


One of the places the group offered to take us to, was Ta'if. This is the place where Rasulullah Sallallahu Alyhiwasallam went to, to spread the dheen of Islam. Sadly, whilst there, he was beaten up by the disbelievers. We saw the places he went to.

We got to visit Masjid Abdullah ibn Abbas, RadhiaAllahu Anhu, where the cousin of Rasulullah Sallallahu Alyhiwasallam is buried. It's a beautiful Masjid and this is where we made our intention for Umrah before heading back to Makkah.


Although I had been here many years ago, it was like the first time on this trip. We prayed Maghrib here and we also heard about the Battle of Khandaq from Shaykh Kauther Ali. Shaykh pointed out where the trench used to be, now a road. I noticed a hill with an old structure on top. I hope to go back and check it out again inshaAllah.


This was one of the most amazing experiences. Although I have visited Uhud often, this time it was different. Shaykh Kauther Ali narrated the Battle of Uhud here, and that too so charismatically. It was as if I could hear the clanking of swords, the screams of men, the neighs of horses! I also appreciated the military genius of Rasulullah Sallallahu Alyhiwasallam. What an experience!


Tea is something else here. I enjoyed each time I had a cup. They normally use Lipton tea bags, with evaporated milk. It's quite sugary, so I would ask them not to add sugar at times. I liked the moments I would sit outside the Masajid and drinking with the brothers.

Sometimes I would sit by myself, enjoying the atmosphere. 


One of my dreams was to perform Umrah or Hajj with my friend Irfan Ali aka Hajj Vlogger. A few years ago, I came across his Umrah and Hajj vlogs on YouTube. I really enjoyed it and still watch them. One thing about Irfan's vlogs are the spiritual aspects of Hajj and Umrah, as usually vloggers record stuff they do and places they go. 

So Alhamdulillah that dream was fulfilled and I pray Allah accepts it, Aameen. 


This trip was organised by GRT, a humanitarian charity. I got to spend time with some of the founders and senior workers including Shahedur Rahman (we all call him Mama!) as well as  Shaykh Kauther Ali, a very down to Earth Alim, rich with knowledge and charisma, who embodies the prophetic character. I saw a great deal about the characters of GRT reps and knew how much I can trust the charity just based on that.

One of them was Afruz Miah baisab, who is in his 50s now, ran between Oldham to London whilst fasting during Ramadan mashaAllah. He is known as the Running Man and regularly runs, even whilst he was in Madina! 


A group of brothers, from UK, walked between Makkah to Madina! It took them 17 days or so do complete the walk, in the footsteps of Rasulullah Sallallahu Alyhiwasallam. Alhamdulillah we got to meet them as they finished their walk in Madina. 


At Madina airport, whilst checking for my fingerprints, the machine wasn't scanning properly. The lady at the desk held my hands tightly onto the machine for a few moments. That was awkward! But I know she was trying to do her job.
